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L’Arc de Triomphe

Place Charles de Gaulle - 75008 Paris

At the forefront of the Champs Elysees is a monument representing the great imperial epic victories of Napoleon: the Arc de Triomphe. This 50 meters high building asserts itself as a national symbol of parades and marches after the great events of Parisian life. A torch is rekindled each evening at 6:30 pm and the inscription ICI REPOSE UN SOLDAT FRANÇAIS MORT POUR LA PATRIE 1914–1918 (“Here lies a French soldier who died for the fatherland 1914–1918”) indicating the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier since 1921.

From the top you can see twelve avenues named after French victories (Friedland, Wagram, Jena) and generals (Kleber, Marceau, Hoche, Carnot) and the most beautiful avenue in the world, the “Champs Elysees”. Do not miss the sunset which aligns with the “Champs Elysees”.


© Karen Gallo

© Karen Gallo

© Karen Gallo

© Karen Gallo



Metro : lines 1, 2 et 6, station Charles-de-Gaulle-Etoile
RER : line A, station Charles-de-Gaulle-Etoile
Bus : lines 22, 30, 31, 52, 73, 92 and Balabus

Hours : 10:00am – 10:30pm

Price : 9,50€

Place Charles de Gaulle - 75008 Paris