This is a special hotel, hidden away from prying eyes. Past the gate and beautiful courtyard, you’ll discover a unique gem from 17th century Paris.
Hotel Lauzun is an exceptional place with a rich baroque decor, carved, painted, intact and imbued with stories.
The famous Duke of Lauzun is known for his romantic misadventures with the Grande Mademoiselle. This small castle was built as a magnificent setting for the many parties and receptions of his wife Marie Charlotte Meilleraie thrown in order to win the favor of the courtiers of Louis the XIV’s court.
There are many stories about this place due to the presence in the nineteenth century offamous writers and poets such as Theophile Gauthier, Honore de Balzac, Eugène Delacroix, Gerard de Nerval and Baudelaire. They lived in this area and met regularly among this princely decor within the mysterious “Club Hashishins” (where they were testing the effects of drugs on perception!).
During this visit, you’ll pass from room to room, always more amazed with each new setting. It’s a rare visit to a wonder not to be missed on the Ile Saint Louis.
And for lovers of the place, you will come away with a wonderful book autographed by a descendant and master of the house.